How long does each therapy session take?
Therapy is an individualized process that requires a personal commitment. Change is a necessary component, and the speed at which one accomplishes change depends upon many different factors. Together we can identify that which is within your control, that which is outside of your control, and what you can do step by step to accomplish your goals in a way that is most valuable to you as well as your loved ones.
How do I know if the therapy is going to be effective?
Psychotherapists practice interventions and techniques that have been studied, tested, and evaluated extensively in order to determine what types of positive outcomes they lead into. These evidence-based practice methods, like trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) or mindfulness based cognitive therapy are highly researched and validated treatment programs. A number of factors go into determining the prognosis of a therapeutic approach; a fully trained mental health therapist who applies an evaluative process seeks to help to identify those obstacles, often proactively and then works with you to identify potential goals for enhancing treatment regimen. Please feel free to check out the resources tab to learn more.
Do you offer sliding scale rates?
In my practice, I recognize that affordability can present a significant challenge to those seeking access to high quality mental health services. Out-of- network challenges, provider waiting lists, and the devastating impact upon children and students are but a few of the reasons I am compelled to offer a sliding scale. I factor in several considerations in addition to financial need and would be happy to share them with you as we discuss your needs.
Is there a difference between good stress and bad stress?
The scientific community has studied the health and well being impact of stress for many years. While it cannot be denied that stress hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol serve valuable purposes, we also know that they negatively impact our ability to learn, retain memories, regulate our emotions, and are also noted to be underlying factors contributing to a host of physical or somatic complaints. Click on this link for a helpful resource.